Source code for

from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Set, Tuple, Optional, AsyncGenerator, Dict, List

from async_property import async_property
from httpx import HTTPError
from privex.helpers import cached, empty, awaitable_class

from import ExchangeAdapter, PriceData, ExchangeDown, PairNotFound
import httpx

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@awaitable_class class Binance(ExchangeAdapter): TICKER_API = '' name = "Binance" code = "binance" known_bases = [ "BTC", "USDT", "USDC", "BUSD", "TUSD", "USD", "ETH", "TRX", "XRP", "PAX", "BKRW", "EUR", "NGN", "RUB", "TRY", "ZAR" ] _provides = set() _extra_provides = set() def _find_base(self, pair: str) -> Optional[str]: pair = pair.upper() for b in self.known_bases: if pair.endswith(b): return b return None async def has_pair(self, from_coin: str, to_coin: str) -> bool: prov = await self.provides pairs = [] for f, t in prov: pairs += [f"{f.upper()}_{t.upper()}"] from_coin, to_coin, = from_coin.upper(), to_coin.upper() if f"{from_coin}_{to_coin}" in pairs: return True if from_coin == 'USD' and (f"USDT_{to_coin}" in pairs or f"USDC_{to_coin}" in pairs): return True if to_coin == 'USD' and (f"{from_coin}_USDT" in pairs or f"{from_coin}_USDC" in pairs): return True return False @async_property async def tickers(self) -> Dict[str, PriceData]: return await self.get_tickers() async def get_tickers(self) -> Dict[str, PriceData]: # First try and get the ticker data from cache ckey = f"pvxex:{self.code}:all_tickers" cdata = await cached.get(ckey) if not empty(cdata): return cdata # If we don't have it in the privex-helpers cache, query the Binance API, cache the data and return it. data = {} async for pd in self._get_tickers(): # Makes a dictionary map of pair > PriceData # e.g. data['BTC_USD'] = PriceData(from_coin='BTC', to_coin='USD', last=Decimal('9001.123')) data[f"{pd.from_coin}_{pd.to_coin}"] = pd # if pd.from_coin == 'USDT': # data[f"USD_{pd.to_coin}"] = pd # elif pd.to_coin == 'USDT': # data[f"{pd.from_coin}_USD"] = pd await cached.set(ckey, data) return data async def _get_tickers(self) -> AsyncGenerator[PriceData, None]: """ Used internally by :meth:`.get_tickers` Queries the Binance 24hr ticker API :attr:`.TICKER_API` asynchronously, and returns :class:`.PriceData` objects as an async generator (``async for x in self._get_tickers()``) :return AsyncGenerator[PriceData,None] ticker: An async generator of :class:`.PriceData` tickers """ # Query the Binance API and obtain the ticker data as a list of dictionaries async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: data = await client.get(self.TICKER_API, timeout=20) try: data.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: try: data = e.response.json() raise ExchangeDown(f"{} appears to be down. Error was: {data}") except (JSONDecodeError, AttributeError, KeyError): raise ExchangeDown(f"{} appears to be down. Error was: {type(e)} {str(e)}") res: List[dict] = data.json() # Loop over each ticker dictionary and return a PriceData object for d in res: # type: dict sym: str = d['symbol'] # Binance pairs are formatted like 'BTCUSD', so we need to scan the pair to figure out what # the 'to_coin' symbol actually is, then we can extract the from_coin. b = self._find_base(sym) if b is None: log.debug("Skipping symbol '%s' as could not identify base symbol of pair...", sym) continue yield PriceData( from_coin=sym.split(b)[0], to_coin=b, last=d.get('lastPrice'), bid=d.get('bidPrice'), ask=d.get('askPrice'), open=d.get('openPrice'), close=d.get('prevClosePrice'), high=d.get('highPrice'), low=d.get('lowPrice'), volume=d.get('volume') ) # noinspection PyTypeChecker async def _gen_provides(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Set[Tuple[str, str]]: t = await self.get_tickers() _provides: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set() for k, _ in t.items(): _provides.add(tuple(k.split('_'))) return _provides @async_property async def provides(self) -> Set[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Binance provides ALL of their tickers through one GET query, so we can generate ``provides`` simply by querying their API via :meth:`._get_tickers` (using :meth:`._gen_provides`) We cache the provides Set both class-locally in :attr:`._provides`, as well as via the Privex Helpers Cache system - :mod:`privex.helpers.cache` """ if empty(self._provides, itr=True): _prov = await cached.get(f"pvxex:{self.code}:provides") if not empty(_prov): self._provides = _prov else: self._provides = await self._gen_provides() await cached.set(f"pvxex:{self.code}:provides", self._provides) return self._provides async def _get_pair(self, from_coin: str, to_coin: str) -> PriceData: tickers = await self.tickers from_coin, to_coin = from_coin.upper(), to_coin.upper() key = f"{from_coin}_{to_coin}" if key not in tickers: if from_coin == 'USD': key = f"USDT_{to_coin}" if to_coin == 'USD': key = f"{from_coin}_USDT" if key in tickers: return tickers[key] if from_coin == 'USD': key = f"USDC_{to_coin}" if to_coin == 'USD': key = f"{from_coin}_USDC" if key in tickers: return tickers[key] raise PairNotFound(f"The coin pair '{from_coin}/{to_coin}' is not supported by {}") return tickers[key]