Source code for

import asyncio
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Set, Union, Optional, Awaitable, Dict, Type, Tuple

import attr
from async_property import AwaitableOnly
from privex.helpers import cached, Tuple, List, AttribDictable, Decimal, empty, camel_to_snake, PrivexException, awaitable, await_if_needed
from privex.helpers.cache import adapter_get, adapter_set, AsyncCacheAdapter, AsyncMemoryCache
import logging
import importlib

from decimal import getcontext

getcontext().prec = 30

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_curr_adapter = adapter_get()

if not isinstance(_curr_adapter, AsyncCacheAdapter):
    log.warning("WARNING: Current privex.helpers cache adapter is not an Async adapter.")
    log.warning("Current privex.helpers adapter: %s", _curr_adapter.__class__.__name__)
    log.warning("Setting privex.helpers cache adapter to 'AsyncMemoryCache'.")

class ExchangeException(PrivexException):
    """Base exception for all exceptions that are part of :mod:``"""

class PairNotFound(ExchangeException):
    """Raised when a requested coin pair isn't supported by this exchange adapter"""

class ProxyMissingPair(PairNotFound):
    """Raised when a requested coin pair required for try_proxy does not exist."""

class ExchangeDown(ExchangeException):
    """Raised when an exchange appears to be down, e.g. timing out or throwing 4xx / 5xx errors."""

class ExchangeRateLimited(ExchangeDown):
    """Raised when an exchange adapter encounters a rate limit while querying an exchange"""

[docs]def empty_decimal(obj: Optional[Decimal]): if empty(obj): return None return Decimal(obj)
[docs]@attr.s class PriceData(AttribDictable): """Exchange price data object returned by exchange adapters""" from_coin = attr.ib(type=str) to_coin = attr.ib(type=str) last = attr.ib(type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) bid = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) ask = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) open = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) close = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) high = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) low = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal) volume = attr.ib(default=None, type=Decimal, converter=empty_decimal)
PairListOrSet = Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], Set[List[Tuple[str, str]]]]
[docs]class ExchangeAdapter(ABC): """Abstract base class used by all exchange adapters for interoperability""" cache_timeout: int = 120 _provides: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set() _extra_provides: Set[Tuple[str, str]] validate_provides: bool ex_settings: dict def __str__(self): return f"[Exchange '{}' (code: '{self.code}')]'" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ @property @abstractmethod def code(self) -> str: return camel_to_snake(
[docs] def __init__(self, extra_provides: PairListOrSet = None, validate_provides: bool = True, **ex_settings): if not empty(extra_provides, itr=True): for p in extra_provides: if self.has_pair(*p): continue self._extra_provides.add(p) self.validate_provides = validate_provides self.ex_settings = dict(ex_settings)
@property @abstractmethod def provides(self) -> Union[Set[Tuple[str, str]], Awaitable[Set[Tuple[str, str]]]]: return set(list(self._provides) + list(self._extra_provides))
[docs] @abstractmethod async def has_pair(self, from_coin: str, to_coin: str) -> bool: for f, t in self.provides: if f.upper() == from_coin.upper() and t.upper() == to_coin.upper(): return True return False
@abstractmethod async def _get_pair(self, from_coin: str, to_coin: str) -> PriceData: raise NotImplemented @staticmethod async def _get_cache_pricedata(key: str) -> Optional[PriceData]: cdata = cached.get(key) if empty(cdata): return None if isinstance(cdata, PriceData): return cdata if isinstance(cdata, dict): return PriceData(**cdata) log.warning("Error reading cache key '%s' - Data was neither PriceData nor dict. Data was: %s", key, cdata) return None
[docs] async def get_pair(self, from_coin: str, to_coin: str) -> PriceData: """ **Instantiate an exchange class and get a ticker asynchronously**:: >>> from import Binance >>> b = Binance() >>> ticker = await b.get_pair('LTC', 'BTC') >>> ticker.last Decimal('0.00607100') >>> ticker.volume Decimal('89557.57000000') **Can use synchronously in non-async applications**:: >>> from import Binance >>> b = Binance() >>> ticker = b.get_pair('LTC', 'BTC') >>> ticker.last Decimal('0.00607100') :param from_coin: :param to_coin: :return: """ if self.validate_provides: if not await self.has_pair(from_coin=from_coin, to_coin=to_coin): raise PairNotFound(f"The coin pair '{from_coin}/{to_coin}' is not supported by {}") code = self.code ckey = f"pvxex:{code}:{from_coin}_{to_coin}" cdata = await cached.get(ckey) if not empty(cdata): if isinstance(cdata, PriceData): return cdata if isinstance(cdata, dict): return PriceData(**cdata) log.warning("Error reading cache key '%s' - Data was neither PriceData nor dict. Data was: %s", ckey, cdata) log.warning(f"Will call {self.__class__.__name__}._get_pair and re-write cache key...") data = await self._get_pair(from_coin=from_coin, to_coin=to_coin) await cached.set(ckey, data, self.cache_timeout) return data
[docs]class ExchangeManager: """ Basic usage:: >>> from import ExchangeManager >>> exm = ExchangeManager() >>> await exm.get_pair('btc', 'usd') Decimal('6694.53000000') >>> await exm.get_pair('ltc', 'usd') Decimal('40.15000000') Converting arbitrary cryptos between each other, seamlessly:: >>> await exm.get_pair('eos', 'ltc') # LTC per 1 EOS Decimal('0.05957304869913275517011340894') >>> await exm.get_pair('hive', 'eos') # EOS per 1 HIVE Decimal('0.04325307950727883538633818590') """ available_adapters: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [ ('', 'Binance'), ('', 'Bittrex'), ('', 'Kraken'), ('', 'CoinGecko'), ] ex_instances: Dict[str, ExchangeAdapter] = {} ex_code_map: Dict[str, str] = {} ex_name_map: Dict[str, str] = {} ex_pair_map: Dict[str, List[ExchangeAdapter]] = {} ex_pair_map_inv: Dict[ExchangeAdapter, Set[Tuple[str, str]]] = {} map_tether_real: bool = True tether_map = { 'USDT': 'USD', 'USDC': 'USD', } proxy_coins = ['BTC', 'USD', 'USDT'] loaded = False
[docs] @classmethod async def load_exchange(cls, package: str, name: str) -> ExchangeAdapter: obj_path = '.'.join([package, name]) log.debug("Checking if adapter '%s' is already registered...", obj_path) if obj_path not in cls.ex_instances: log.debug("Importing module '%s'", package) # Try importing the package pkg = importlib.import_module(package) log.debug("Extracting object '%s' from module '%s'", name, package) # Then try pulling the object out of the package obj: Type[ExchangeAdapter] = pkg.__dict__[name] # Instantiate the adapter and add it to the exchange maps log.debug("Instantiating object '%s' and mapping it...", obj) inst: ExchangeAdapter = obj() cls.ex_instances[obj_path] = inst cls.ex_code_map[inst.code] = obj_path cls.ex_name_map[] = obj_path # Populate ExchangeManager.ex_pair_map await cls._import_pairs(inst) return cls.ex_instances[obj_path]
@classmethod async def _import_pairs(cls, inst: ExchangeAdapter): log.debug("Importing pairs for exchange adapter: %s", inst) # Grab the .provides set of tuples from the instance. _prov: Union[Set[Tuple[str, str]], Awaitable[Set[Tuple[str, str]]]] = inst.provides # Some classes may have an async_property .provides, so we need to check if it's a coroutine. # If it is a coroutine, then we have to await it before we can scan it. # noinspection PyTypeChecker if asyncio.iscoroutine(_prov) or asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(_prov) or isinstance(_prov, AwaitableOnly): log.debug(f"{inst.__class__.__name__}.provides is async. Awaiting it...") _prov = await _prov cls.ex_pair_map_inv[inst] = _prov # Iterate over each supported coin pair, and append the adapter instance to each pair in ex_pair_map for frm_coin, to_coin in _prov: cls._map_pair(frm_coin, to_coin, inst) if cls.map_tether_real: if frm_coin in cls.tether_map.keys(): log.debug( "Detected frm_coin '%s' is a tethered coin. Adding extra pair map for %s/%s", frm_coin, cls.tether_map[frm_coin], to_coin ) cls._map_pair(cls.tether_map[frm_coin], to_coin, inst) elif to_coin in cls.tether_map.keys(): log.debug( "Detected to_coin '%s' is a tethered coin. Adding extra pair map for %s/%s", to_coin, frm_coin, cls.tether_map[to_coin] ) cls._map_pair(frm_coin, cls.tether_map[to_coin], inst) return _prov
[docs] @classmethod def list_pairs_from(cls, frm_coin: str) -> Dict[str, ExchangeAdapter]: return { pair: adapters for pair, adapters in cls.ex_pair_map.items() if pair.split('_')[0] == frm_coin.upper() }
[docs] @classmethod def list_pairs_to(cls, to_coin: str) -> Dict[str, ExchangeAdapter]: return { pair: adapters for pair, adapters in cls.ex_pair_map.items() if pair.split('_')[1] == to_coin.upper() }
@classmethod def _map_pair(cls, frm_coin: str, to_coin: str, inst: ExchangeAdapter): k = f"{frm_coin.upper()}_{to_coin.upper()}" log.debug("Mapping pair %s for exchange: %s", k, inst) if k in cls.ex_pair_map: if inst in cls.ex_pair_map[k]: log.debug("Exchange already exists in pair map for %s. Exchange: %s", k, inst) return log.debug("Pair %s exists in ex_pair_map. Appending exchange: %s", k, inst) cls.ex_pair_map[k].append(inst) else: log.debug("Pair %s did not exist in ex_pair_map. Creating pair with exchange: %s", k, inst) cls.ex_pair_map[k] = [inst]
[docs] @classmethod async def load_exchanges(cls): for pkg_path, obj_name in cls.available_adapters: obj_path = '.'.join([pkg_path, obj_name]) if obj_path in cls.ex_instances: continue try: await cls.load_exchange(pkg_path, obj_name) except: log.exception("Skipping adapter %s due to exception ...", obj_path) cls.loaded = True
[docs] @classmethod def exchange_by_code(cls, code: str) -> ExchangeAdapter: return cls.ex_instances[cls.ex_code_map[code]]
[docs] @classmethod def exchange_by_name(cls, name: str) -> ExchangeAdapter: return cls.ex_instances[cls.ex_name_map[name]]
[docs] @classmethod def exchange_by_path(cls, obj_path: str) -> ExchangeAdapter: return cls.ex_instances[obj_path]
[docs] @classmethod def pair_exists(cls, from_coin: str, to_coin: str, should_raise=False) -> bool: pair = f"{from_coin.upper()}_{to_coin.upper()}" if pair in cls.ex_pair_map and len(cls.ex_pair_map[pair]) > 0: return True if should_raise: raise PairNotFound(f"Pair '{pair}' does not exist / no usable exchanges in {cls.__name__}.ex_pair_map") return False
@classmethod def _pair_exchanges(cls, from_coin: str, to_coin: str) -> List[ExchangeAdapter]: pair = f"{from_coin.upper()}_{to_coin.upper()}" if pair not in cls.ex_pair_map: raise PairNotFound(f"Pair '{pair}' does not exist in {cls.__name__}.ex_pair_map") if len(cls.ex_pair_map[pair]) == 0: raise PairNotFound(f"Pair '{pair}' has no listed exchanges in {cls.__name__}.ex_pair_map") return cls.ex_pair_map[pair]
[docs] @classmethod async def try_proxy(cls, from_coin: str, to_coin: str, proxy: str = "BTC", rate='last', adapter: ExchangeAdapter = None): """ >>> exm = ExchangeManager() >>> await exm.load_exchanges() >>> await exm.try_proxy('HIVE', 'USD', proxy='BTC') :param from_coin: :param to_coin: :param proxy: :param rate: :param adapter: :return: """ if not cls.loaded: await cls.load_exchanges() from_coin, to_coin, proxy = from_coin.upper(), to_coin.upper(), proxy.upper()"Attempting to get '%s' price for %s / %s using proxy coin %s", rate, from_coin, to_coin, proxy) inv_to = False if adapter: log.debug("Custom adapter was specified. Proxying exclusively via: %s", adapter) pair_exists = cls.pair_exists if adapter is None else adapter.has_pair get_ticker = cls._get_ticker if adapter is None else adapter.get_pair if not await await_if_needed(pair_exists, from_coin, proxy): raise ProxyMissingPair(f"No pairs available for {from_coin} -> {proxy}") if not await await_if_needed(pair_exists, proxy, to_coin): log.debug("Did not find pair %s/%s - checking if we can do inverted %s/%s", proxy, to_coin, to_coin, proxy) if await await_if_needed(pair_exists, to_coin, proxy): log.debug("Found inverted proxy %s/%s", to_coin, proxy) inv_to = True else: raise ProxyMissingPair(f"No pairs available for {proxy} -> {to_coin}") # pair = f"{from_coin}_{to_coin}" # e.g. if from=HIVE, to=USD, proxy=BTC # get ticker for HIVE/BTC - get ticker for USD/BTC # e.g. HIVE/BTC = 0.00001545 BTC/USD = 6900 # 0.00001545 * 6900 = 0.106605 USD per HIVE ex_from = await get_ticker(from_coin, proxy) if inv_to: ex_to = await get_ticker(to_coin, proxy) log.debug("Original rates from reverse proxy %s/%s - rates: %s", to_coin, proxy, ex_to) ex_to = ExchangeManager._invert_data(ex_to) log.debug("Inverted rates - converted pair into %s/%s : %s", proxy, to_coin, ex_to) else: ex_to = await get_ticker(proxy, to_coin) r_from, r_to = Decimal(ex_from[rate]), Decimal(ex_to[rate]) log.debug(f"{from_coin}/{proxy} price: {r_from:.8f} {proxy} per 1 {from_coin}") log.debug(f"{proxy}/{to_coin} price: {r_to:.8f} {to_coin} per 1 {proxy}") log.debug(f"{r_from} * {r_to} = %f", r_from * r_to) return r_from * r_to
@staticmethod def _invert_data(data: PriceData): inv_keys = ['last', 'bid', 'ask', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume'] new_pd = PriceData(**dict(data)) # Invert each ticker price, e.g. for BTC/USD into USD/BTC for k in inv_keys: if empty(new_pd[k], zero=True): continue setattr(new_pd, k, Decimal('1') / new_pd[k]) # Atomic swap from_coin and to_coin with eachother new_pd.from_coin, new_pd.to_coin = new_pd.to_coin, new_pd.from_coin return new_pd @classmethod async def _get_ticker(cls, from_coin: str, to_coin: str, ex_index: int = 0) -> PriceData: if not cls.loaded: await cls.load_exchanges() from_coin, to_coin = from_coin.upper(), to_coin.upper() try: cls.pair_exists(from_coin, to_coin, should_raise=True) except PairNotFound:"Pair %s/%s was not found. Trying inverse query using %s/%s", from_coin, to_coin, to_coin, from_coin) cls.pair_exists(to_coin, from_coin, should_raise=True) adp = cls.ex_pair_map[f"{to_coin}_{from_coin}"][ex_index] return ExchangeManager._invert_data(await adp.get_pair(to_coin, from_coin)) adp = cls.ex_pair_map[f"{from_coin}_{to_coin}"][ex_index]"Found pair %s/%s - querying exchange: %s", from_coin, to_coin, adp) return await adp.get_pair(from_coin, to_coin)
[docs] @classmethod async def get_tickers(cls, from_coin: str, to_coin: str, rate='last') -> Dict[str, Decimal]: if not cls.loaded: await cls.load_exchanges() from_coin, to_coin = from_coin.upper(), to_coin.upper() data = {} for _, adp in cls.ex_instances.items(): # type: ExchangeAdapter if await adp.has_pair(from_coin, to_coin): try: d = await adp.get_pair(from_coin, to_coin) data[adp.code] = d[rate] except Exception as e: log.warning( "Error obtaining %s/%s exchange rate from %s - reason: %s %s", from_coin, to_coin,, type(e), str(e) ) elif await adp.has_pair(to_coin, from_coin):"Pair %s/%s was not found. Trying inverse query using %s/%s", from_coin, to_coin, to_coin, from_coin) try: data[adp.code] = ExchangeManager._invert_data(await adp.get_pair(to_coin, from_coin))[rate] except Exception as e: log.warning( "Error obtaining %s/%s exchange rate from %s - reason: %s %s", from_coin, to_coin,, type(e), str(e) ) else: try: proxy = await cls._find_proxy(from_coin, to_coin, adapter=adp) data[adp.code] = await cls.try_proxy(from_coin, to_coin, proxy, adapter=adp) except (ProxyMissingPair, PairNotFound): log.warning( "Error obtaining %s/%s exchange rate from %s - cannot find a proxy pair.", from_coin, to_coin, ) return data
# data = {} # try: # cls.pair_exists(from_coin, to_coin, should_raise=True) # except PairNotFound: #"Pair %s/%s was not found. Trying inverse query using %s/%s", from_coin, to_coin, to_coin, from_coin) # cls.pair_exists(to_coin, from_coin, should_raise=True) # for adp in cls.ex_pair_map[f"{to_coin}_{from_coin}"]: # data[adp.code] = ExchangeManager._invert_data(await adp.get_pair(to_coin, from_coin))[rate] # return data # # for adp in cls.ex_pair_map[f"{from_coin}_{to_coin}"]: # d = await adp.get_pair(from_coin, to_coin) # data[adp.code] = d[rate] # # return data @classmethod async def _find_proxy(cls, from_coin: str, to_coin: str, adapter: ExchangeAdapter = None) -> str: """ >>> await cls._find_proxy('HIVE', 'USD') 'BTC' :param from_coin: :param to_coin: :return: """ if not cls.loaded: await cls.load_exchanges() from_coin, to_coin = from_coin.upper(), to_coin.upper() for c in cls.proxy_coins: if adapter: if not await adapter.has_pair(from_coin, c): continue if await adapter.has_pair(c, to_coin): return c if await adapter.has_pair(to_coin, c): return c continue if f"{from_coin}_{c}" not in cls.ex_pair_map: log.debug("Cannot proxy via %s - pair %s not found", c, f"{from_coin}_{c}") continue if f"{c}_{to_coin}" in cls.ex_pair_map: log.debug("Found forward proxy via %s - pair %s found", c, f"{c}_{to_coin}") return c if f"{to_coin}_{c}" in cls.ex_pair_map: log.debug("Found reverse proxy via %s - pair %s found", c, f"{to_coin}_{c}") return c raise ProxyMissingPair(f"Could not find a viable proxy route for {from_coin} -> {to_coin}")
[docs] async def get_pair(self, from_coin: str, to_coin: str, rate='last', use_proxy: bool = True): if not self.loaded: await self.load_exchanges() pair = f"{from_coin.upper()}_{to_coin.upper()}" if pair not in self.ex_pair_map: if not use_proxy: raise PairNotFound(f"Pair {pair} was not found in ex_pair_map, and no proxying requested.") try: log.debug("Pair %s not found - trying to find a proxy route...", pair) proxy = await self._find_proxy(from_coin, to_coin) log.debug("Found proxy to %s via %s - trying proxy...", to_coin, proxy) rate_proxy = await self.try_proxy(from_coin, to_coin, proxy, rate=rate) log.debug("Got proxy rate: %f %s per %s", rate_proxy, to_coin, from_coin) return rate_proxy except ProxyMissingPair: raise PairNotFound(f"Pair {pair} not found, nor a viable proxy route.") adp = self.ex_pair_map[pair][0] log.debug("Pair %s found - getting exchange rate directly", pair) data = await adp.get_pair(from_coin, to_coin) return data[rate]
__all__ = [ 'PairNotFound', 'ExchangeRateLimited', 'ExchangeException', 'ExchangeAdapter', 'ExchangeDown', 'PriceData', 'ExchangeManager' ]